Bazaar Meta

Gleaming Crystal Image of Gleaming Crystal

Data from before April 2021 was obtained from Coflnet Bazaar History
General Information
Buy Order Info
Instasell Price 125,000,002.0 coins
Proximity to Average Price
Demand 96
Buy Orders 4
Instasold in Last 7 Days 0
Estimated Hourly Instasells 0.0
Sell Order Info
Instabuy Price 209,999,999.4 coins
Proximity to Average Price
Supply 8
Sell Orders 57
Instabought in Last 7 Days 11
Estimated Hourly Instabuys 0.1
Buy Orders
Orders Amount Unit Price Coin Equivalent
Total:00.0 coins
Sell Orders
Orders Amount Unit Price Coin Equivalent
Total:00.0 coins