Bazaar Meta

Ultimate Flash 5 Image of Ultimate Flash 5

Data from before April 2021 was obtained from Coflnet Bazaar History
General Information
Buy Order Info
Instasell Price 29,325,000.2 coins
Proximity to Average Price
Demand 10
Buy Orders 5
Instasold in Last 7 Days 0
Estimated Hourly Instasells 0.0
Sell Order Info
Instabuy Price 139,999,999.1 coins
Proximity to Average Price
Supply 11
Sell Orders 10
Instabought in Last 7 Days 20
Estimated Hourly Instabuys 0.1
Buy Orders
Orders Amount Unit Price Coin Equivalent
Total:00.0 coins
Sell Orders
Orders Amount Unit Price Coin Equivalent
Total:00.0 coins